Justin Krause

Hi, I'm a developer that loves clean code & groovy music.

A little bit about me:

After several years of professional drumming, I decided to enter the world of Full Stack Development. I fell in love with Python while taking classes from the University of Michigan. The syntax is clean - no semicolons or brackets!

I completed an introductory course in Java to further advance my knowledge of back end programming. I created this website along with a few other projects by hand-coding the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. I am eager to work with a team that can help me build my skill set even further!

Web Dev

Web Development

Current portolio projects:

Chore Door Game

Drummer Poll

LolCat Clock

Rogue Pickings

Ball of Excuses

Python    Php


Files, Functions and Dictionaries

Data Structures/Collection

Classes and Inheritance

MySQL - Apache - MAMP



OOP Concepts


Arrays and ArrayLists